Our Grand Rapids - Market branch (330 Market Ave., SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503) will be CLOSED on Saturday, May 11 for the Amway River Bank Run.

Join us at one of the two Shred Days happening this Saturday, May 11 from 9 a.m. until noon, or until the truck is full. West MI - Kent City & East MI - Downtown Lapeer.

businessman on computer

Lock Box

Streamline payment collection and accelerate cash flow with lockbox services. Automated processing of mailed remittances reduces time and improves efficiency. Detailed reporting provides efficient accounts receivable management.

  • Efficiency: Lockbox services automate the payment collection and processing, reducing the need for manual data entry and depositing checks at a local bank branch.
  • Faster Access to Funds: Funds are typically deposited quickly, which improves cash flow for the business.
  • Reduced Risk of Errors: Automated processing helps minimize data entry errors and ensures accurate record-keeping.
  • Improved Cash Flow Management: With quicker access to funds and detailed reports, businesses can manage their cash flow more effectively.
  • Enhanced Security: Lockbox services offer a secure and controlled environment for handling payments, reducing the risk of theft or fraud.
  • Customer Convenience: Providing a designated lockbox address can make it easier for customers to send payments, improving the payment experience.